In laughter and tears, in joy and in sorrow, Time is the constant, shaping tomorrow. It teaches us lessons, both bitter and sweet, A journey of growth, where moments meet.

So cherish each heartbeat, each breath that you take, For time is the gift, in which we partake. Let's honor its passage, with purpose and grace, And embrace every moment, in this wondrous space.

I believe time is a previous gift we are given each day. This belief is what inspired me to really reflect on my professional identity, so that you (the person currently reading over my profile) can learn more about who I am as a therapist and what I have to offer those interested in my therapeutic care.

Hi, I'm Joy!!


Thoughts On Therapy From A Therapist

Here, in the stillness, tears may flow, Like rivers cleansing, gentle, slow, Each drop a tale of hurt and fear, Yet hope’s sweet murmur, ever near.

The journey’s worth, the pain, the strife, In therapy, they reclaim life.
With every question, every tear, The path to self becomes more clear.

Therapy is a deeply rewarding experience due to the profound changes it facilitates. Its transformative power, along with its ability to heal and empower, underscores its true value in the lives of those who chose to engage in it. Therapy is also a deeply personal and often challenging journey that involves: being vulnerable and trusting someone new; examining lifelong relationships with self and others; processing difficult emotions and internalized conflict; challenging long-standing behaviors, habits, and patterns; reflecting on past traumas and unresolved issues; and cultivating varied levels of comfort with what feels most uncomfortable. While it can be arduous at times, the potential rewards from engaging in therapy – ranging from improved mental health and emotional well-being to better relationships and personal fulfillment – makes the choice to begin truly worthwhile.

Education & Credentials

As a therapist with a Master's in Sociology, I possess a deep understanding of human behavior, social structures, relational dynamics, and the impact of society on individuals' mental health and well-being.

My Approach To Therapy

Talk therapy is my specialty. The dialogue exchange between human beings. In my view, it is through dialogue that individuals navigate their social world, build relationships, exchange ideas, and shape their overall sense-of-self, making dialogue exchanging an essential component of human life and social function.

Areas of Focus

In order to provide the most effective and individualized therapeutic care, I have honed my specific knowledge in a number of important areas:

What I Offer As A Therapist

I will never forget the question my supervisor asked me during our very first supervision, in hopes that I would continue to circle back to the answer as I progressed in my career. The question: what value do you add to your clients’ lives?

Interview with a Potential Therapist

When did your love for therapy begin?You have probably read over many therapist profiles in your search, and on said profiles they highlight having a history of being the “go-to” person when something was wrong or the “go-to” someone when support was needed.

Therapeutic Fit

Therapeutic fit refers to the compatibility between an individual and their therapist in terms of needs, personality, and preferences. This personalization enhances the overall relevance and effectiveness of care.

What I Love About Being A Therapist

The honor’s mine, to stand besides, to witness how the pain subsides. In every session, raw and real, I find the joy in helping heal. My unique experience developing into the therapist I am today has been deeply rewarding and profoundly meaningful.

I Would Love To Hear From You!
If anything on my site interests and/or resonates with you, I invite you to reach out!!

Please feel free to leave a brief message with your name, contact information, and a good time for me to reach you. I typically respond within 24 - 48 hours.

It is true, finding a therapist is only the beginning, but you got this! If you are interested in my therapeutic care, I have provided a simplified step-by-step breakdown of what the therapy intake process primarily consists of below.

Finally, I have included a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) personally received throughout my therapy experience below. I believe that informed clients make the best decisions about their mental health journey, and my FAQs section is designed to provide any interested individual with the information needed to feel comfortable and confident as they take this important step.

Education & Credentials

As a therapist with a Master's in Sociology, I possess a deep understanding of human behavior, social structures, relational dynamics, and the impact of society on individuals' mental health and well-being.I bring a unique perspective to my therapeutic practice, incorporating sociological concepts and theories into my understanding of individuals experiences. This degree, paired with my Master of Social Work degree, allows me the ability to provide therapeutic support while being attuned to the social and environmental factors that shape one's everyday experiences. As a therapist with a degree in this helping profession, I am able to help individuals work towards personal growth and healing by collaborating through goal setting and skill building. With these illuminating fields of study as my foundation, I am able to operate through a holistic lens that highlights ones micro (the subtle and often overlooked moments, sensations, and observations that occur in our daily lives), and macro (significant events, milestones, or periods in one’s life that have had a broader impact or significance) experiences. All in all, I am incredibly passionate about being a therapist and strive to help others know the true joy and empowerment that can come from engaging in therapy.

My Approach To Therapy

Talk therapy is my specialty. The dialogue exchange between human beings. In my view, it is through dialogue that individuals navigate their social world, build relationships, exchange ideas, and shape their overall sense-of-self, making dialogue exchange an essential component of human life and social function.The overarching goal of talk therapy is to help individuals lead more fulfilling lives by fostering emotional resilience, personal growth, and meaningful connections with themselves and others. Our therapy sessions will be guided by this encompassing goal and we will work collaboratively to address your unique needs and challenges. I am also a relational therapist who utilizes relational theories in my therapeutic practice. Relational Therapy is an approach to therapy that emphasizes the importance of interpersonal relationships and connections in shaping individuals psychological well-being and development. This therapeutic approach views human beings as inherently relational creatures, with a fundamental need for connection, belonging, and mutual empathy. These fundamental needs are what relational theories were developed to deeply explore. Relational Theories are theoretical frameworks that emphasize the importance of relationships, everyday interactions, and social environment in shaping human behavior, development, and well-being. By focusing on the quality of individuals’ connections with others, relational theories can guide therapeutic interventions that foster personal and relational growth.There is another reason why I am particularly fond of and drawn to the relational approach as my "go-to" therapy practice (and I wonder if you can guess why). Relational Therapy and Sociology share several similarities in their general focus on understanding human behavior, relationships, and social dynamics within broader social context. While they differ greatly in their specific applications and methodologies, they both offer valuable insights into the complexities of the human experience and the interplay between individuals, groups, and societies.I have included some additional information on the theoretical approaches, frameworks, and orientations I typically utilize in my therapy practice below:

Areas Of Focus

In order to provide the most effective and individualized therapeutic care, I have honed my specific knowledge in a number of important areas:

• Imposter Syndrome
• Self-Concept and Identity Development
• Coping Skills and Resilience Building
• Difficulty Setting and/or Keeping Boundaries
• Establishing and Maintaining a Life and/or Career Alignment with Your Values
• Getting Through Transitional and Changing Seasons
• Advocating for Self and Needs

What I Offer As A Therapist

I will never forget the question my supervisor asked me during our very first supervision, in hopes that I would continue to circle back to the answer as I progressed in my career. The question: what value do you add to your clients’ lives?

I was taken a bit aback by the question at first, as the word “value” felt personal to me at that tender time in my professional journey. Years later, that question has become one of an important few that I often ask myself when I think about the therapeutic role I fill in my clients lives, as their chosen therapist. So, with this question in mind, I have included some examples of the ways in which I have observed myself supporting clients:

• Assessing mental health, emotional well-being, and behavioral patterns in order to best understand personal challenges
• Encouraging reflection and insight, helping gain a deeper understanding of self
• Providing support through significant life transitions such as: career changes, personal/spiritual growth, social identity shift(s), etc.
• Aiding in development of skills such as: boundary development, stress management, communication techniques, problem-solving strategies, and more
• Providing information, resources, and referrals to other professionals, or support services for comprehensive care (if and when needed)

I am proud to say that I have worked with a very diverse array of people throughout my formative years of therapy practice, and will continue to do so. I have had many different people reach out to me for a variety of different reasons, all stemming from the fact that they envisioned me as the one who can help them navigate through their unique life experiences, challenges, and goals. It is with this in mind that I have included the list below. This list speaks to a few viewpoints and perspectives I have experience exploring in a therapeutic space with others:

• Someone who… is unsure of an answer to a very important question in their life
• Someone who… desires to engage in therapy, but feels embarrassed or as though they are undeserving of care and support
• Someone who… feels lost or inadequate because they are unsure of who they are or what role they are meant to play in their lives and/or society as a whole
• Someone who… had a "good" upbringing experience overall, but the hard times were truly impactful and difficult to revisit
• Someone who… is significantly impacted by all that is unknown about the world around them and the expectation to function in spite of all the uncertainty

Remember that therapy is about you. You deserve to feel seen, understood, and receive non-judgmental therapeutic care. What feels safe and supportive to you in the process of finding a therapist is paramount.

Interview With A Potential Therapist

When did your love for therapy begin?

You have probably read over many therapist profiles in your search, and on their profiles they probably highlight having a history of being the “go-to” person when something was wrong or the “go-to” someone when support was needed.Well, that was my experience as well! But a little different. Yes, I was the "go-to" person for those things, but I was also the “go-to” person when someone was unsure about something, or the “go-to” friend when a pick-me-up was needed. Those experiences spoke to a gift I have before I even knew I had it.

How would you describe your professional personality?

The therapeutic relationship is truly unique, as the bond between therapist and client can result in both parties learning a significant amount from each other. A person-centered approach to therapy such as mine, aims to establish a therapeutic environment that facilitates desired growth and change. As far as my professional personality is concerned, I am my name sake. I have heard from both clients and colleagues that I have a very warm and approachable demeanor that makes them feel both confident and relaxed. I have also been told that I am gifted at explaining concepts, processes, and strategies in a clear and effective manner.

When I think about the professional personality traits that I possess, I am…

• An astute observer and naturally inquisitive
• Empathetic and non-judgmental
• A fully present and attentive listener
• Committed to ongoing personal and professional development
• Flexible and adaptable around scheduling, methods, and goals as necessary
• Open-minded and accepting of others as they are
• Insightful and able to identify patterns and underlying issues
• Dedicated to the therapeutic process and committed to helping others achieve goals

If these professional traits in a therapist interest and/or resonate with you, I invite you to reach out!

Therapeutic Fit

Therapeutic fit refers to the compatibility between an individual and their therapist in terms of needs, personality, and preferences. This personalization enhances the overall relevance and effectiveness of care.When it comes to the therapeutic process, research consistently shows that a strong therapeutic alliance is a significant predictor of positive therapeutic outcomes, including symptom reduction, improved mental health, and increased well-being. By prioritizing fit, both clients and therapists alike can ensure that the therapeutic journey is effective, supportive, and conducive to desired growth and change.

I am a therapist who…

• Is curious and asks inquisitive questions to inspire deep reflection and introspection
• Practices a holistic therapeutic approach that combines techniques and theories
• Addresses the impact of early attachment experiences on current behavior
• Offers varied perspectives to consider various factors to help address complex issues
• Addresses the impact of race, gender, power, and social context on individuals’ lives
• Is politically active, socially motivated, and tuned into world events
• Emphasizes the importance of understanding the fundamental cause(s) of psychological distress

If you can envision yourself thriving in this type of therapeutic environment, I believe there is great potential in you and I being a good therapeutic fit.

I am not a therapist who...

• Engages in more short-term, goal-oriented, solution-focused treatment
• Utilizes one specific treatment approach and/or therapeutic modality
• Provides a more structured approach that follows a specific framework
• Provides a more directive, opinion-rich approach to therapy
• Has experience working with psychological disorders that require inpatient-level care

If you seek a therapist who provides therapeutic care in these specific ways, I am probably not the best fit for you and your therapeutic needs.

What I Love About Being A Therapist

My unique experience developing into the therapist I am today has been deeply rewarding and profoundly meaningful. I once had a client share a very sweet sentiment with me, that their experience in therapy was precisely what they envisioned it would be with a therapist named Joy. This was always a goal of mine, young me thought about it often. How to be a joy to others in all the ways that I can (while being sure to preserve a healthy portion of that joy for myself). Not only was this incredibly affirming feedback to receive about my therapeutic practice, it also affirmed my lifelong goal of making a positive impact on others lives. From gaining insight into human behaviors and emotions to establishing meaningful connections with clients and witnessing their breakthroughs, being a therapist has been, and will undoubtedly continue to be a truly rewarding experience.

As I reflect on my journey to becoming a therapist, my heart is filled with gratitude for everyone who has supported me along the way. Each of you has played a vital role in shaping the therapist I am today, and for that, I am truly grateful.